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Middle School

Middle School Course Offerings


  • Reading  courses build upon students’ prior knowledge and skill in reading and may emphasize the use of language for different effects, in different contexts, and for different purposes. Specific courses align to Iowa Core required content for grades 6-8.

Language Arts 

  • Language Arts  courses build upon students’ prior knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, word usage, and the mechanics of writing, and include the four aspects of language use: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. These courses may emphasize the use of language for different effects, in different contexts, and for different purposes. Specific courses align to Iowa Core required content for grades 6-8.


  • Writing  courses build upon students’ prior knowledge and skill in writing and may emphasize the use of language for different effects, in different contexts, and for different purposes. Specific courses align to Iowa Core required content for grades 6-8.


  • Science  courses typically include subject matter from several strands of science, including earth/space sciences, physical sciences, and life or environmental sciences, and may organize material around thematic units. Specific courses align to Iowa Core required content for grades 6-8.

Social Studies 

  • Social Studies  courses provide a greater understanding of social studies disciplines, including history, geography, civics and government, and economics. These courses often focus on the history, culture, and government of various specific world societies. Typically, students develop skills used in the social studies disciplines. Specific courses align to Iowa Core required content for grades 6-8.


  • Mathematics  courses typically emphasize skills in numerical operations (including basic operations and their proper order); ratios and proportional relationships; patterns; simple functions; geometry; and concepts of data analysis, including statistics and probability. Specific courses align to Iowa Core required content for grades 6-8.

Algebra I

  • Students meeting eligibility in MS will enroll in Algebra I.  The course includes the study of properties and operations of the real number system; evaluating rational algebraic expressions; solving and graphing first-degree equations and inequalities; translating word problems into equations; operations with and factoring of polynomials; solving quadratic equations; and modeling linear data. The course aligns to Iowa Core required Algebra I content. 


  • Art  courses provide to students activities that foster creative expression, communication through artistic endeavor, and appreciation of culture and heritage. Activities may include those that enable students to refine their technique, increase their artistic vocabulary, express themselves and their world view, make connections to other content areas, develop their own aesthetic, and strengthen their critical abilities. Although typically involving the visual arts (drawing, painting, sculpture, crafts, and the like), these courses may also include other forms of art (for example, dance, music, and theater). Specific course content conforms to any existing state standards for grade 6-8.


  • Music  courses enable students to create and perform music, listen and respond to musical compositions, and incorporate their musical experiences with other activities and subjects. Course content usually involves understanding music as creative expression and communication, developing skill with the voice and/or musical instruments, and refining the ability to discern and critique. Specific course content conforms to any existing state standards for grade 6-8.

Physical Education 

  • Physical Education  courses typically involve the acquisition of knowledge and skills that provide the foundation for sport, a physically active lifestyle, and social development through physical activity. Activities typically include those that increase strength, endurance, and flexibility; reinforce safe technique; teach the rules and conventions of games and sports; and explore the relationship between physical activity and health. Health topics (such as the effects of drugs and alcohol, sexual education, and healthy lifestyles) may also be included. Specific courses align to Iowa Core required content for grades 6-8.

Family and Consumer Science

  • Courses help students to develop the knowledge and skills that are used to manage one’s family and career efficiently and productively. Course topics typically include foods and nutrition; apparel; child care and development; housing, interior design, and maintenance; consumer decisions; personal financial management; interpersonal relationships; and careers available in family and consumer sciences.

Social Emotional Connection

  • All remote students will be part of a remote advisory period where adults will focus on interpersonal skill building and attention to individual student social/emotional wellness. Students in grades 6-8 will participate.